Energy and life coaching
I offer coaching sessions 1 to 1 online. In my practice I focus on work with emotions through the body, stress management, finding direction, improving relationships, boundaries. More info is here.
Once a month I organize coaching events with meditation journeys. Join my Facebook group and follow my Facebook page for next events.
Stress-management and preventing burn out for businesses
I work with businesses offering interactive and practical workshops that both cover theory and practice of stress management. More information is here
Qi gong, meditations and events
Qi Gong and meditation Shen Zheng style are practices of self healing and state of unconditional love. Qi Gong – translated as work with universal energy Qi; and Sheng Zhen – open heart. It involves a series of moving and non-moving meditations, all designed to remove stagnant or negative energy and gather positive healing energy (qi). Qigong events, courses and testimonials you can find here.
Painting of the vibrations of your higher self and messages
Painting with a message is a form of healing where you get reminded what are your strengths and your potential that you brought to this life. The healing manifests in form of abundance, more clients, manifesting desires, feeling brighter, taking space easier, being YOU, feeling deep connection to your own true nature, getting in flow and to be true to yourself.
About Anastasia
To learn more about Anastasia click here