I am empath and highly sensitive person, I can read other people’s energy fields as well as energies in the physical spaces. I am clairsentient (=clear feeling, meaning that I can perceive information within the whole body, it is a type of telepathy to sense within one’s self, the energy of another person or entity, I tune into the vibrations and feel the tones of the aura) and clairvoyant (=clear vision, meaning that I can reach into another vibrational frequency and visually perceive within the minds eye something existing in that realm). To live with this ability have not been easy for me until I spent a tone of time digging deep into how to handle it. Today I feel I can share it.
I worked with many mentors and teachers to go deeper into the energy field, I also took qi gong teacher training. I worked with energy therapy and was teaching self healing and sensory perception of the energy to highly sensitive people. I was teaching the things that worked for me basically.
As a hobby I also took a long list of art courses here and there and it has been my inspiration, I had a couple of exhibitions, sold a few paintings.
During past several years I have been receiving reoccurring visual messages that I should combine my clairvoyance and art and paint other peoples vibrations. I was putting them aside thinking who needs it. I am also a researcher and have a PhD degree in health economics, and I was focusing on research as well. But things happening in my life in 2021 made me think really deep about my gifts and what I can bring to the world.
So in March 2021 I thought I give it a try and see who needs it. I posted in one fb group about my pilot project “Ladies, I need 3 volunteers for my pilot project. I am an artist and an energy therapist healer. I want to combine these two in one project. I need 3 freakingly amazing sensitive ladies. I will create a painting of your higher self vibrations and send the painting to you digitally. It’s a painting with colors that will help you to activate your connection to your own self when you are out of balance. You will use it as a an extra tool to reconnect with your higher self in meditation and to listen to your own answers when you out of balance to get back into your perfect state of self. For that in exchange I want to collect feedbacks on how it works for you – during few following weeks of image usage. Who would like to try?” And I got… 220 respondents! I was overwhelmed until tears, I felt my heart going to explode of gratitude and grace coming upon me with all that feedback! I needed to draw a lottery. So, that was the start!
So I realised that my gift is needed in this world and there are sensitive people who feel closer to who they are born to be and closer to their full potential with the help of my gift. It is amazing and super scary at the same time for me, and it is so giving when I see the changes it brings to the people.
Follow me on Instagram #paintingwithamessage (I am more on stories) and on Facebook.