Stress management and qi gong already this week!

I wish you welcome to the free week: stress management class (meditation, breathing, yoga coaching, what is stress etc) 1.10 17:30-19 and qi gong (meditation in movement) 3.10 18-19. Address: Helgensensgate 10. Phone 47096646. Registration  form click here.

Those classes are first week of 8 weeks course where we dive in deep. If you find that this is for you, you have a chance to enroll. My passion is to facilitate processes where people really learn to hear their inner being, what they really want, to let go of stress on deep healing level. During this 8 weeks I will also measure the changes so I can use them for my research project (I am writing a book on stress management). So I am double excited to hold it!

Tomorrow and Thursday I will have some assistants for pics & filming (not constant, but from time to time), I want to make a 60-90 seconds video based on it. Please let me know if this is not ok for you. The movie or pics will be only of good quality and you can get a final result too.

You probably already saw in the event or on my web page, but just to remind you – For Tuesday I’d like to ask you to bring own yoga mat or something that you can use for own comfortability to sit/lay on/do some exercises. The studio is clean and we don’t use shoes inside at all, but it might be still more comfy to use own yoga mat.

Have a wonderful day and remember to breath iiiiiiiin and ooooooout 🙂

See you soon!
