5 languages of love, Valentine’s Day and expectations

Valentine’s Day was just yesterday. It is a perfect time to check if we actually manage to communicate our expectations well in the couple. In the evening I saw a post of a girl on Facebook sharing in a female only group how upset she was that the guy she is dating did not give her anything for Valentine’s Day and ignored it completely. She in advance bought a gift for him, but did not have a chance to give it to him as they didn’t even appoint a date. The day after, today, I heard a different complaint – from a guy, sharing how annoyed he is with Valentine’s Day and that he hates the buzz about it while his couple expects him to get her a gift or show a romantic gesture for her. These are totally unrelated couples proving how many couples struggle with communication and managing expectations. 

Many of us know from the book 5 languages of love, that there are 5 ways through which we feel ourselves loved. It is touch, services, time together, words and gifts. Often it is a couple of major languages – for example services and touch or time together and words etc. It can be any combination. The way how you show appreciation and love to your couple is a typically YOUR love language.

But what happens when two people in the couple have different love languages, what happens when they don’t match? Like for example for the couples described above the main love languages could be gifts for her and services for him. It means that she does not consider services as showing love, and he does not consider gifts as showing love. In this cases it is important to communicate to your partner in which way he/she can show to you that they appreciate you. You might consider to make a kind love request.

In the example above the girl could share in advance that this celebration is something very important to her and she will feel very loved if they would go out and make a gift exchange. Then the guy could share that this celebration gives him a lot of stress. They could continue to finding a middle ground what to do so that the date satisfies both of them. Perhaps get take away dinner and watch a romantic movie or giving each other some sort of details that feels meaningful (for example if her love language is gifts – he could give her flowers, and if his love language is services – she can make him a cake or something else that he appreciates) in stead of going out to a restaurant and exchanging expensive gifts.

And what are your experiences about expectations, Communication, and Valentine’s day?

Wanna book a clarity session with me? Take contact at anastasiya(a)vidanser.no

Stress management and qi gong already this week!

I wish you welcome to the free week: stress management class (meditation, breathing, yoga coaching, what is stress etc) 1.10 17:30-19 and qi gong (meditation in movement) 3.10 18-19. Address: Helgensensgate 10. Phone 47096646. Registration  form click here.

Those classes are first week of 8 weeks course where we dive in deep. If you find that this is for you, you have a chance to enroll. My passion is to facilitate processes where people really learn to hear their inner being, what they really want, to let go of stress on deep healing level. During this 8 weeks I will also measure the changes so I can use them for my research project (I am writing a book on stress management). So I am double excited to hold it!

Tomorrow and Thursday I will have some assistants for pics & filming (not constant, but from time to time), I want to make a 60-90 seconds video based on it. Please let me know if this is not ok for you. The movie or pics will be only of good quality and you can get a final result too.

You probably already saw in the event or on my web page, but just to remind you – For Tuesday I’d like to ask you to bring own yoga mat or something that you can use for own comfortability to sit/lay on/do some exercises. The studio is clean and we don’t use shoes inside at all, but it might be still more comfy to use own yoga mat.

Have a wonderful day and remember to breath iiiiiiiin and ooooooout 🙂

See you soon!


Moment to moment

Some of you know that besides yoga, meditation and qi gong I do as well card reading for self-insight and self-understanding. I have several favorite decks of cards that I use. Today I am using OSHO zen tarot deck. It is a beautiful deck for self-insight that I use quite often.

Today’s card is “Moment to Moment”. If you have lately been overwhelmed with too many things and too many plans, it is time to focus on what are your preferences right now. So, if you are anxious about future, ask yourself what do you want to focus your energy on today. And do it. You might be dragged in different directions, but ask yourself what is the motivation of doing what you think of doing – the “why”. It will help you to center yourself, to balance. Step by step. Day by day. Moment to moment.

If you need a reading to understand yourself better, do not hesitate to contact me. 

2-day QI GONG Workshop July 2019

Qi gong and meditation Shen Zheng style – opening heart – practice and philosophy 

  •  Saturday 13th of July 10:30-12:30
  •  Monday 15th of July 17:30-19:30***

LOCATION: Sagene, we meet at the corner of 7-11 at 17:10 (beginners) and walk to Bjølsen parken (Those from Saturday – meet directly on our spot)

Qi Gong and meditation Shen Zheng style to practice self healing and state of unconditional love. For beginners who wish to learn more about themselves. During the course we will practice different forms of meditations, plus we aim to learn one of qi gong forms for opening heart that you can bring home for your self practice. We will do both exercises and learn philosophy.


  • Email to anastasiya@vidanser.no or sms to 47096646 plus vipps the payment to 89736 (Vi danser & Yoga)*
    • 400 kr per workshop, 750 for 2 workshops**
      • ** Discounts: 700 kr if you register with a friend (for both of you) per workshop, 900 kr if you register with 2 friends (for three of you per workshop)
      • *If you prefer bank account transfer: 1503. 87. 13962.

Practical information:

  • Limited number of places
  • Venue: a yoga studio near Bokstadveien if rainy or a park near Sagene if sunny. I will send a follow up email to all who register.
  • Language: Instructions in English. Additional instructions are given in Norwegian and Russian if needed.
  • Facebook event: click here.
  • Teacher: Anastasiya Mokienko, certified teacher in qi gong (sheng zhen style), hatha yoga, yoga nidra and restorative yoga, sport dance (read more below)


What to wear and bring with me?

Any comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat with you too for resting and sitting part of meditation. Water. Snack if needed.

I have problematic back, can I still join?

Yes. The Qi Gong exercises are very soft and gentle, I was teaching them even to seniors. During yoga we will work safely and you will learn about where to stop and how do postures correctly so you do not harm your body when you visit others’ classes.

Can I get a discount?

Yes, if you bring a friend or two or sign up to more than one workshop.

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Mob. 47096646 or email to anastasiya@vidanser.no

I am very much looking forward to have you in the course!

*** Monday 22nd of July 17:30-19:30 – optional additional day in case you want to have one extra workshop

What type of Qi Gong I practice and what it gives me

I am often asked what is it I am practicing. I will tell you a bit more. As Master Lee puts it, Sheng Zhen Meditation is a method of self-healing, often referred to as “practices of Unconditional Love.” It involves a series of moving and non-moving meditations, all designed to remove stagnant or negative energy and gather positive healing energy (qi). The movements and contemplations of Sheng Zhen Meditation help re-create that deep sense of inner peace we experienced as small children. As the body softens, and negative emotions are released, one experiences a feeling of perfect harmony with the universe.

I have started my practice in 2008. It contributed a lot to the way I perceive energy. Although I have been always sensitive, it made me to notice that sensitivity as I was quieting my mind and opening my senses. For me energy is something very physical – like magnetic field or sometimes like water templated to your body temperature. I feel it in the palms of my hands from myself or others, from plants or Earth. My practice has developed my ability to listen in. What do I mean with it is that I feel/notice/read all possible details, shifts in energy both my own and others – somewhere deep inside of my being.

During workshops in Sheng Zhen Meditation / Qi Gong we learn about flow of energy and self healing, we meditate in stillness and in movement focusing on opening heart and connection to the whole universe. You learn a form that you can take with you home to practice. If you feel that something in your soul moved and you would like to try, come to my classes!

For more information about my qi gong, meditation and breathing classes click here, to know more about energy coaching click here.