Moment to moment

Some of you know that besides yoga, meditation and qi gong I do as well card reading for self-insight and self-understanding. I have several favorite decks of cards that I use. Today I am using OSHO zen tarot deck. It is a beautiful deck for self-insight that I use quite often.

Today’s card is “Moment to Moment”. If you have lately been overwhelmed with too many things and too many plans, it is time to focus on what are your preferences right now. So, if you are anxious about future, ask yourself what do you want to focus your energy on today. And do it. You might be dragged in different directions, but ask yourself what is the motivation of doing what you think of doing – the “why”. It will help you to center yourself, to balance. Step by step. Day by day. Moment to moment.

If you need a reading to understand yourself better, do not hesitate to contact me.