I offer three types of healing.
Type 1: Healing guided meditations
I guide you in a meditation journey where you can resolve conflicts, get answers what do you need at the moment, release reasons for tensions. This is my signature healing meditations.
Investment: 650 NOK 50 min, or 6 sessions for 3250 NOK (1 session will be free)
Type 2: Emotional body healing, work with emotions and blocks in form of tensions, pains in the body
We work with your emotional body. In the contrary to many other types of healing, here YOU are an active participant and in control of the journey and your feelings. By addressing blocks in your emotional body we can release tensions in your physical body. The techniques that you learn you can use on yourself later.
- The result is:
- inner peace
- clarity
- getting in contact with your very true nature
- removing everything that holds you behind, including old patterns and believes
- This is suitable
- people who have been working with self development before
- in particular for highly sensitive people
- The investment:
- 1 session of 75 min 1200 NOK
- Package with 6 sessions: 6000 NOK (1 session will be free)
Type 3: Reading and energy healing
During this session you are more passive receiver than in the first type, although we work together and talk through the whole process. It is based on Pleiadian light work. We work on each chakra separately one and one at a time.
- The result is:
- rewriting believes
- removing entities and energy blocks
- going into the roots of the current situations and removing old patterns
- The investment:
- 1 session 90-100 min 1200 NOK
- 6 sessions 6000 NOK (1 session will be free)
Contact me: sms to +4747096646 or email to anastasiya@vidanser.no.